
Saroléa | historie

Saroléa - HerstalHistorie značky Saroléa

je členěna do jednotlivých kapitol dostupných z druhého boxu levého menu. Popsány jsou dějiny továrny v Belgii, zachycen technický vývoj typů a část je věnována motocyklům Saroléa v Československu. Závěrečná kapitola vzpomíná na hrdinnou cestu napříč Afrikou, dlouhou 25 tisíc kilometrů, kterou na konci dvacátých let podnikli slavní českoslovenští cestovatelé, pánové Uher a Strommer.

Továrna Saroléa, Herstal - Liege

Saroléa history

Dear foreign visitors, the history of Sarolea is divided into chapters, available from the second box of left menu. It describes the history of the factory in Belgium, shows the technological development types and one part is devoted to motorcycles Saroléa in Czechoslovakia. The final chapter recalls the heroic journey across Africa (25.000 km), from the end of the twenties, undertaken by two famous Czechoslovak travelers, Mr. Uher and Mr. Strommer.
I am very sorry, but I can´t translate the SAROLÉA history section currently. Maybe sometimes in the future...

Saroléa 24S, Saroléa 25M

  • Saroléa logo

    Použité prameny:

    The sources:

    La Maison Saroléa - Guy de Becker
    Belgische Motoren - J.Kupelian & J.Sirtaine
    Motor (Motocykl)
    Motor Revue
    Engelbert Magazine
    Pestrý týden
    Archiv hl. m. Prahy
    soukr. archiv rod. Formánků
    dobové prospekty
    archiv autora

    P. S. Z výše uvedených podkladů vznikl již kolem roku 2004 rukopis o necelých 30 wordovských stránkách. Jelikož se mi jej doposud nepodařilo udat, byv odmítán s odůvodněním, že motocykly Saroléa nikoho nezajímají, že takový spisek je komerčně nevýnosný, že je to neprodejné v jakékoliv formě, že ... Zkrátka, text jsem trochu pokrátil, vyřadil především sáhodlouhé popisy konkrétních modelů a jejich odlišností, jakož i různé nudné tabulky prodejů, a vyrobil tenhle web. Nebo,

    do hrobu si to nevezmu!

    -VŠ- 2014

    P. S. From the above substrates (documents) was compiled in 2004 manuscript of almost 30 Word document pages, in order to write an article for an oldtimer magazin. Unfortunately, my idea was rejected on the ground that nobody is interested in motorcycles Saroléa, such a booklet is commercially unprofitable and unsaleable in any form etc... Well, finally I shortened the text a bit, especially I excluded lengthy descriptions of specific models and their variations, as well as various boring tables of sales, and created this website.

    Reklama Saroléa

  • Saroléa 22F, 1923, 550 SV | Vojtěch Švarc       Saroléa 22F, 1923, 550 SV | Vojtěch Švarc

    Saroléa 25M, 1928, 350 SV | Vojtěch Švarc       Saroléa 25M, 1928, 350 SV | Vojtěch Švarc

    Saroléa 24U, 1929, 500 OHV | NTM, ex Švarc       Saroléa 24U, 1929, 500 OHV | NTM, ex Švarc

    Saroléa 24U, 1929, 500 OHV | Vojtěch Švarc       Saroléa 24U, 1929, 500 OHV | Vojtěch Švarc

    Saroléa 32U, 1932, 150 2T | Vojtěch Švarc       Saroléa 32U, 1932, 150 2T | Vojtěch Švarc

    Saroléa 33T, 1933, 600 SV | Vojtěch Švarc       Saroléa 33T, 1933, 600 SV | Vojtěch Švarc

    Více o mých motocyklech Saroléa na

    More about my motorcycles Saroléa on

  • Saroléa AtlanticEnglish summary

    Sarolea factory, founded by in 1850, was among the pioneers of Belgian and world motorcycle industry. Was originally established as an arms factory, but in the late 19th century began produce bicycles. Since 1901 they started manufacturing motorcycle with their own design. Sarolea engines were from the beginning so perfect, that they were delivered to many other producers, inc. English. The factory has always been characterized by a healthy conservatism in connection with latest technologies. The production range was specialized exclusively on single-cylinder machines, which show the continuity of technological continuity. Exceptions are two types of two-cylinders. The firs one of the early production was competing business to four-cylinders F.N., the second from the fifties, as the swan song of the brand, trying in vain effort to face English machines. It is surprising how little Sarolea motorcycles has been preserved, in spite of the fact, that in late twenties they were the sixth best-selling brand in the Czechoslovakia market. The factory produced, except motorcycles and velocipedes, also aircraft engines, commercial or military special tricycles and sidecars. A considerable success achieved Sarolea in sports. The company, as many others, disappeared in 1960 due to post-war motorcycle crisis.